Summer Camp
Information to help Scouts & their parents prepare for Summer Camp (from 2016):
1. Medical Forms and Activity Release Forms
a. As a reminder, all Scouts and those Adults staying at camp longer than one night need to have this form signed by a medical provider: Please send your completed form to & be sure to include a copy of the front & back of your insurance card. (FYI – if you’re an adult coming up for just one night, all you need is parts A & B of that form, no medical provider signature required.)
2. Parent Information Guide for Summer Camp: 2024CMSMinorConsent&ActivityReleaseForm-fillable.pdf
5. FAQs about Summer Camp:
6. Program Information (e.g. merit badges, Trail to First Class Advancement):
7. Summer Camp Packing List:
8. Marin Sierra Summer Camp main page:
9. Information on Medications from the Council:
All medications for youth and adults must be checked in at the medical lodge upon arrival at camp and be in original bottles or packaging. This is a national standard with which we must comply. If a prescription medication, the prescription label matching the patient’s name should accompany the medication.
Scout Medications
Due to BSA policy, all medications belonging to youth must be kept locked at the medical lodge. The adult in the troop in charge of medications is responsible for distributing the medication at the medical lodge according to the Scout’s doctor’s orders. If any medications need refrigeration, the adult leader will need to schedule a time to meet the medical officer to get the medication. If the Scout has an emergency medication, like a rescue inhaler or epi pen, these medications must be carried by the Scout at all times. Be sure the Scout’s name is clearly printed on any carrying cases, kits, or pouches containing the medication.
Adult Medications
Adult’s medications can be retained by the adult in a locked car. Adults also have the option (which we recommend) of leaving their medications at the medical lodge with the Scout medications. The refrigerator in Ibach Lodge may be used to store personal medication that needs refrigeration. Be sure any medications that are potentially dangerous have a close watch on them. There are many youth in camp,and not all of them are aware of the dangers of other people’s medications. Emergency medication, such as inhalers, heart medicine, and epi pens, must be carried at all times in case of a medical event.
10. Emergency Phone Number: If you need to reach your Scout due to an emergency, please call the main camp line: 530.389.2427. Cell service at camp is notoriously spotty.